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Guess what time of year it is!

What is NaNoWriMo? It’s 30 days of intense writing insanity barreling towards 50,000 words fueled by copious amounts of gourmet hot chocolate, cheeze-its, and maybe some chicken nuggets if I remember to eat something real.

It’s intense fun, it’s sleepless nights, it’s fancy math calculations and charts to ensure I make my goal. It’s only 1,667 words a day every day, how hard can that be? You have no idea.

Still I try to:

However, I dare you to try to keep calm as characters act naughty or worse yet, you realize you have NO PLOT!

They say no problem, but I’ve been there. Really. It’s not fun. That was 2006 and my first year with NaNoWriMo. Guess what, it ended up all right and I made it to 50k. Barely. The next year got a little better. With six victories, I’m nervous about my 7th year of this.

Especially since I’m also spending another year mentoring at the local high school for:

I actually think I get more out of the NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program than the students. I enjoy their zeal and only pray that I truly encourage this growing generation of writers. The world is truly their oyster. Mostly, I want to read all their books.

Page 2: Elements of NaNoWriMo

Page 3: NaNoWriMo Tools